1. Geochronology
    Application of several method of geochronoly. Interpretation and integration on basin analysis, exhumation/subsidence evolution and hydrocarbon exploration.
  2. Reservoir Characterization
    Integrated studies for reservoir characterization. Subsurface mapping, well-log analysis, seismic interpretation, reservoir quality and Geochemistry
  3. Structural Geology and Tectonics
    Structural analysis from tectonic reconstructions to reseroir scale. Regional tectonic stuides, Structural styles, 2D and 3D structural analysis. paleogeographic reconstructions. Fault seal analysis.
  4. Surface Geology, mapping and sampling
    Geological mapping, and Surface Geology. Sedimentological, structural, geochronology, paleomagnetics and geochemical sampling. integration with subsurface data. Reomote sensing at all scales.
  5. Natural Hazards
    Characterization, analyisis and mapping of onshore and offshorenatural hazards, . Neotectonics, Paleoseismology, Paleoclimatic record. Tectonic, Fluvial and Coastal Geomorphology.
  6. Multiclient Reports
    We conduct geological muilticlient reports for the most important basins in the world. we offer a faster and up-to-date understanding of the basin evolution, plays and hydrocarbon characteristics in exploration areas.
  7. Petrophysics and well data management
    Quality control of data bases. wireline logs reconstructions and digitization. Petrophysics analysis and well completion.
  8. Training and Knowledge management
    Training in General Geology, Structural Geology, Tectonics, Geomorphology, Petrophysics and Geocrhonology for all levels of audiences. Advisers in knowledge management in Geosciences.